Aseptic Packaging

Aseptic Packaging

“Aseptic processing is the process by which a sterile product, typically food or pharmaceutical, is packaged in a container in a way that maintains sterility”

Using safety approved filling technology, your product is protected against harmful micro-organisms during the packaging process without compromising it's integrity; safeguarding your customers and their health. Our A-Stix™ machine has been developed using the highest grade of polished stainless steel and its atmosphere is environmentally controlled and regulated in order to maintain the highest quality standards for your product.

The increased need for aseptic packaging is a result of a growing population, but also due to an increased awareness of preservatives and additives in our food. Maintaining freshness whilst keeping food/beverages usable for longer without the need for nasty chemicals is key in providing choice to consumers.

With increasing demand across most consumables, including the food and pharmaceutical sectors, we can provide the following benefits for your product:

The Benefits

- Extended shelf life
- No need for refrigeration
- No need for additives
- Suitable for hotter climates (with no chill chain requirements)

Technology includes

- Sterile air
- HEPA filtered air
- Simple operation - Binary Operational style for ease of use
- Online connectivity
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Single film
- Remote diagnostics and monitoring
- Maximised operational time

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New Product Development

‘From Concept to Creation’

Innovation is at the heart of everything we do. Do you have a new product you're looking to bring to the market with exciting original packaging? Or are you looking to relaunch an existing product in a new size or format? Our R+D facility and centre of excellence will work closely with your product managers to develop aseptic packaging that's specific to your product requirements.

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The Benefits

  1. Refine Concept
  2. Develop bespoke packaging
  3. Produce packaging samples
  4. Optimise cost of film and packaging components
  5. Source raw materials from approved suppliers
  6. Our installations team will develop a programme to install machinery on site
  7. Connect you with established distribution chains to get your product to market

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Suitable For

Whilst our initial A-Stix™ Filing line has been created with low acid dairy in mind, there are many applications (high or low acid) outside this category that Stix™ would be suitable for:

Foods and Beverages

✔ Dairy and non-dairy creamer
✔ Sauces, dressings, liquid cheese, yoghurts
✔ Liquid coffee, iced tea, juice, other beverages
✔ Liquid sugar (lower cost than granulated)
✔ Nutraceuticals, vitamins and supplements, protein smoothies

Household Products

✔ Cleaning products
✔ Animal/pet products
✔ Air fresheners
✔ Appliance aids
✔ Soap/detergents

Pharmaceuticals, Agricultural Medicines

✔ Single use treatments
✔ Vaccines
✔ Single shot medicines

Aseptic Medical Products

✔ Eye wash
✔ Female hygiene products
✔ Creams/gels
✔ Lotions
✔ Vaccines
✔ Single shot medicines


✔ Creams
✔ Gels
✔ Lotions
✔ Makeup removers
✔ Shampoos/conditioners

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New Wave Packaging